To seek happiness outside ourselves is like trying to lasso a cloud. Happiness is a state of mind that must be lived. Neither worldly power nor moneymaking schemes can capture it. 

Mental restlessness results from an outward focus of awareness. Restlessness itself guarantees that happiness will remain elusive. True happiness is never to be found outside the Self. Those who seek it there are chasing rainbows among clouds. Analyze, with an understanding born of introspection, the true nature of sense-pleasures. For even as you delight in them, don’t you sense in your heart a chilling breath of doubt and uncertainty? You cling to them yet know in your heart that someday they cannot but betray you. 

Closer scrutiny reveals that sense-indulgence actually mocks its votaries. What it offers is not freedom but soul bondage. The escape lies not, as most people imagine, down moss-soft lanes of further indulgence but up hard, rocky paths of self-control.

A materialistic life tempts mankind with assurance but is consistent only in this: It never fails; eventually, to break all its promises. As a man allows himself to depend increasingly on circumstances outside himself for his physical, mental, and spiritual nourishment, never looking within his own source, he gradually depletes his reserves of energy.

Possession of material riches, without inner peace, is like dying of thirst while bathing in a lake. If material poverty is to be avoided, spiritual poverty is to be abhorred. It is important to different between your needs and your wants. Your needs are few, while your wants can be limitless. In order to find freedom and bliss, minister only to your needs. Stop creating limitless wants and pursuing the will-o-wisp of false happiness. The more you depend upon conditions outside your happiness, the less happiness you will experience. 

Fostering the desire for luxuries is the surest way to increase misery. Do not be a slave of things or possession. Boil down even your needs. Spend your time in search of lasting happiness or bliss. The unchangeable immortal soul is hidden behind the screen of your consciousness. Lift the veil of illusive change and be established in your immortal nature. Enthrone your fickle consciousness on the changelessness and calmness within you, which is the throne of God. Let your soul manifest bliss night and day. 

Happiness can be secured by the exercise of self-control, by cultivating habits of plain living and high thinking, and by spending less money, even through earning more. Make an effort to earn more so that you can be the means of helping themselves. 

What is the use of spending all one’s time on things that don’t last? The drama of life has, for its morality, the fact that it is merely that a dram, an illusion. Those who think the play has to be real and lasting weep through sad parts, grieve that happy parts cannot endure, and feel sad that the play must, at last, come to an end.

The wise, however, see the drama for the utter delusion it is and s eek eternal happiness in the Self within. 

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