It used to be a disease of the Elderly, but studies show cancer cases are shooting up in the 40-50 Age Group. Doctors Advise Preventive Screening to Detect it early.

Cancer was until recently seen as a disease of people in their 50s or older. Many patients, especially in affluent countries, are aged under 50. The highest increase had been in windpipe and prostrate cancers while cancers of the breast, windpipe, lung, bowel, and stomach had the highest death tolls. Experts estimate that, globally, early-onset cancers and associated deaths will rise by a further 31% and 21%, respectively, by 2030, with the 40-50 age group at the highest risk.


Unhealthy lifestyles – “processed foods, sedentary behaviors, and environmental toxins” – in wealthy countries are a significant contributor in the early onset of cancer.

Obesity, a known risk factor for various types of cancer, in increasing in younger populations. Also, late motherhood puts women at a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancers because of the prolonged exposure to oestrogen. In fact, breast cancer, long seen as an older woman’s disease, now affects more women in the early 30s.

Between genes and lifestyle choices, the latter have a bigger role in early onset. “While genetics can significantly impact one’s suspectibility to certain types of cancer; lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise habits and smoking play a crucial role in triggering early-onset cancer development. Environmental factors like pollution, radiation exposure and chemical toxins further increase the chances of carcinogenic stress on the body.”


Breast cancer is the most common cancer among the young, but gastrointestinal cancers, including colon cancer, have risen the fastest . Rising death rates from colorectal cancer among individuals aged 25-49. This type of cancer affects the colon and the rectum, and is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer. It is also the second largest cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Studies have linked obesity and alcohol consumption in young adults to an increased risk of colorectal cancer.


Younger patients are often diagnosed late because they have atypical symptoms that can be easily dismissed or attributed to other causes. “Moreover; the lack of routine screening guidelines for many types of cancers in younger age groups contributes to missed for early detection.”

“Very often, young individuals ignore their symptoms assuming that cancer cannot come at this age and are diagnosed in advanced stages.” Early onset cancers seen in younger people are usually aggressive, hence early diagnosis and aggressive treatment are key.

“Currently, breast, colorectal and ovarian cancers are being diagnosed at a younger than usual age. Otherwise, the 15-25 age group gets cancer like lymphoma, leukemia, thyroid and germ cell tumors of the testicles or ovaries. They develop mainly due to anatomical or physiological anomalies.”

Prostrate cancer used to be rare in the 40-50 age group until a decade ago. “It is typically slow-growing and manifest symptoms before other natural causes become predominant,” but now younger men tend to experience an aggressive cancer that has metastasized or spread to other parts by the time they seek medical attention.

“These trends emphasize the importance of raising awareness, implementing early detection strategies, and conducting more research in the underlying factors.”

“Unlike older patients, young patients often present with advanced-staged disease which can be more challenging to treat.”

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