Your success in life depends not only upon your natural ability; it depends also upon determination to grasp opportunities presented to you. Opportunities in life come by creation, not by chance. They are created by you, either now or in the recent or distant past. Since you have earned them, use them to the best advantage.

Your thoughts will inevitably bring you either to failure or to success — according to which thought is the strongest. Therefore, you must thoroughly believe in your own plans, use your talents to carry them out, and be receptive so that God can work through you. Many people believe they should pity themselves and that it will bring a little relief. But self-pity is an addiction like opium. Accuse no one, not even yourself. Blame and accusation won’t erase what has been done. Reconcile yourself to what is, and to what needs to be done about it. You can reshape every karma, provided that from today onward you live by soul-consciousness.

You are stronger than your tests. If you don’t realize it now, you will have to realize it eventually. God gave you willpower, concentration, reason, and common sense so that you can help yourself. Never allow your mind to entertain thoughts of illness or limitation, and you will see your body change for the better. Mind is the power that is creating your body, and if your mind is weak, the body becomes weak. Don’t grieve or worry about anything. No matter what happens, you must be absolutely free in your mind.

Sincere words or affirmations repeated feelingly and willingly are sure to move the omnipresent cosmic vibratory force and render you aid in difficulty. Appeal to that Force with infinite confidence,, casting out all doubt. In the early morning and before going to bed you must make contact with God in order to succeed.

Your soul’s message cannot reach the Divine through your mental microphone if the hammers of restlessness break it. Only through the practice of meditation are you able to feel peace. Increasing peace, or bliss, is the surest proof of Almighty’s contact and response. Just as you cannot receive an answer by calling someone on the phone and then running away, so also you must not pray once and run away but continuously broadcast your prayer to God through your calm mental microphone.

The surest way to all-round prosperity – or attainment of health, wealth, peace, and wisdom — lies in reclaiming your lost divine birthright by continuously broadcasting your message to God through your calm mental microphone until you receive His answer through the increased bliss of meditation.

The Divine can never hide from the person who exercises devotion, love, right meditation, and soul-call. God never fails to listen to soul calls, but He does not always respond in the way we expect. Whenever new, ever increasing joy fills your silence, know that you have contacted God and that He is answering you through your soul.

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