Home > Pharma & Medicine > MEDICATIONS FOR ELDERLY

Old age is full of potentials. 


First Potential:- 

“Compression of Morbidity”:- 

It is a kind of medical term that means enjoying good health and functioning throughout most of one’s old age with a relatively short period of serious illness before death.


  • Deep Meaningful Social Connections.
  • Self Actualization 
  • Wisdom 
  • Creativity – 20% in Canadian men and 47% in Canadian women. 


Taking 5 or more Prescription drugs is called Poly-Pharmacy. This is very Risky. 


69% of elders take 5 more drugs regularly.


Extent of Problem:- 

  1. Problems with Medications. Because 20% of hospitalization over 50 years.
  2. Most drugs have not been adequately researched for elderly. 
  3. 47% of women over 85 years old are taking at least one risky prescription. 
  4. 3,300 Canadian seniors die every year. 
  5. 69% of Canadians over 65 years take more than 5 medications. 


Digestive System:-

  • Difficulty Swallowing.
  • Less stomach acid 
  • Slower digestive system. 
  • Takes longer to be absorbed. 


Serum Albumin Taxis:-

Blood – 4 Major Components

  1. Plasma
  2. Red Blood cells
  3. White Blood cells 
  4. Platelets 

Plasma makes 50% to 55% of blood.


Protein-Liquid Part called Serum Albumin:- 

Proteins in Plasma that bind to molecules. Store them and transfer them safely.



Cells are the living building blocks that make up all of our body parts.

Decreased membrane permeability which means that the membrane on skin that surrounds. 

Blood Brain Barrier is a filter that prevents unwanted substances from entering a central nervous system.

As we age, blood brain barrier does not function as well. Leads to confusion, memory loss, and poor coordination. 

The liver is where excess particles be further broken down are called metabolized. Changed into harmless molecules are deactivated and removed from blood stream.

Slower circulation means excess particles will take longer to reach the liver where they can be metabolized and deactivated. 


Aging Kidneys:- 

  • Function declines with age.
  • Excreted at a slower rate. 

Continual usage over time can lead to over accumulation. 


Drug Allergies:- 

  1. Skin rash. 
  2. Hives. 
  3. Itching. 
  4. Fever. 
  5. Swelling. 
  6. Shortness of breath.
  7. Wheezing. 
  8. Runny nose. 
  9. Itching watery eyes. 



Deprescribing is t he planned and supervised process of reducing or stopping medications that are no longer of enough benefit or may be causing harm. 


Depressive Symptoms:- 

Elders with symptoms of depression received more risky medications than non-depressive


Identifying Drug Reactions:- 

  1. Cognitive Changes.
  2. Upset Stomach – common sided effect
  3. Diarrhea, constipation and distorted vision which could be blurred. 
  4. Dizziness. 
  5. Poor coordination and Poor balanced. 
  6. Increased Falls. 
  7. Hallucinations. 
  8. Skin Rash. 
  9. Excessive drowsiness. 
  10. Depression.
  11. Edema (Swelling) — hands/arms/foot/ankles.
  12. Incontinence.
  13. Parkinson’s disease (Include tremors/shakiness).
  14. Insomnia.


For Elderly People:- 

Difficulty swallowing pills can lead to choking a reluctance to take them. 

Crushing pills and swallowing them in a soft food like yogurt with applesauce. 


Uses of psychotropic medicines:- 

  • Causes dizziness. 
  • Increase risk of falls. 
  • Confusion.
  • Increase risk of medication errors.


Multiple Medications for Elderly:- 

The more medicines taken the more chance of problems as side effects and drug interactions. 

Sometimes poly pharmacy is the best option to treat many chronic conditions at once. 

A complex medication schedule is one where medicines are taken at various times of the day with some meals. The more complicated it gets, the easier it is to make a mistake or just plain forget some detail. 




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