Bobaa may be deaf and mute, but his actions speak louder than words.

BOBAA, that’s the name he has earned for himself in the community, which means deaf and mute in Bengali. We don’t know his name, caste, religion, or even the place he comes from. He must be 55 years old but appears 10 years younger. He earns his living by maintaining our gardens. He can’t hear, read and write, but abides by all the rules of this society.

Bobaa may be mute, but he is outspoken. His powerful sixth sense makes him really differently-abled. Sometimes, I find him an extraordinary being. He fights for causes and doesn’t give up till he is successful. He loves flowers, plants and trees and takes care of  them as if they are his children. He isn’t aware of global warming, but knows that trees are precious for life and must be protected. He is the true crusader of the environment. Bobaa is now one of us. His absence for a few days makes us anxious.

I once saw a few people digging out soil a few yards away from my backyard. I asked them who they were. They ignored me. They were about six of them and it felt futile to confront them. Suddenly, as I watched from my terrace. I saw Bobaa running towards them and telling them to stop at once. They not only stopped digging, but filled the space with soil. I asked Bobaa what magic spell he had cast upon them. Bobaa gestured that he explained that if they dug out soil it would make the land shake, or rather, cause an earthquake. The trick luckily worked! This is Bobaa, a true saviour of the environment.  He is illiterate, but definitely a green crusader. He cannot utter a word, but his actions make us hear him loud and clear. We have lessons to learn from him. 

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