If only we kept in mind the phrase, “We are what we eat”, most of us would probably eat healthier. A good balanced diet comprising healthy fat, protein, fresh fruits, and vegetables, provides the right quantity of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that keep the skin young and nourished. 


“Eating a diet that is rich in colorful fruits and veggies, can help protect against skin ageing.”  Tomatoes, red bell peppers, and all citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C, while green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, and bright orange vegetables have carotenoids. So it is important to include all these in your diet.


“A balanced and nutritious diet is a must for glowing complexion. Always opt for fresh orange juice or grapefruit juice. Oily fish (salmon, tuna) and eggs are good for non-vegetarians.” Processed food items like white flour should be avoided. “Eat full grains instead of brown rice. Have coconut water. You should eat sweet potatoes, tomato, carrots, spinach, cherries ( vegetables that have deep colors). Blackberries, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, garlic, walnuts, and almonds should be consumed as they are rich in omega-3.” 


List out the fruits with maximum benefits:- 


APPLES:-  Mumbai markets are flooded with this fruit. You should have one daily because the vitamins in this fruit boost collagen and tighten skin. The minerals and antioxidants present in it are said to control acne, lessen under-eye circles, pigmentation and boost healthy hair. 


AVOCADO:-  These fruits, through not that easily available, should be consumed for their high concentration of vitamin A a nd E. They can give you a natural glow, while moisturizing and rejuvenating your skin.


BANANA:-  Also referred to as the poor man’s fruit, since it is the cheapest, bananas are actually a good source of potassium, biotin, manganese, Vitamin C and B6. These help maintain skin elasticity and the antioxidants prevent ageing. Bananas can be used as homemade face and hair masks too. 


GRAPES:- These fruits, also considered to be aphrodisiacs, have phytochemicals and phytonutrients, which regenerate, rehydrate, and heal skin. 


ORANGE:-  This could be considered an all-rounder, not just because its commonly available, but also because of its properties. With a high level of vitamin C and presence of beta carotene, folic acid, phosphates, iodides, iron, phytonutrients and flavonoids, this fruit is good to combat dark spots and blemishes. It also acts as  toner and natural bleach. Even the orange peel, if sun-dried and powdered, can be used all year as a scrub that lends an instant radiance. 


PAPAYA:-   This is a wonder fruit. A storehouse of antioxidants like carotenes, vitamin C, and flavonoids, vitamin B, folate and pantothenic acid, papayas can hydrate, brighten and smoothen your skin. Use ripe papaya as a mask on scrubbed, clean skin. 


STRAWBERRY:-   This pretty berry is a great exfoliator and with its high level of vitamin C and manganese, it is also a skin lightener and anti-ageing agent. The ellagic acid of strawberries is a UV protector. 


TOMATO:-  The quickest and easiest way to detanning your skin, is using a tomato — it is rich in vitamin A,C, and K. The antioxidants in it prevent ageing. 



Nuts like almonds, walnut and pistachio have selenium, zinc,  and vitamin E which is much needed for a glowing complexion. Almonds provide a boost of major antioxidants required by the skin, and is primarily responsible for anti-ageing.

“Walnuts are a storehouse of alpha lipoic acid and omega3 fatty acids which are the building blocks in the moisture containing layer of the skin. There they help in keeping the skin soft, supple and lubricated.” 



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