* Unknown Fears.
* Psychic currents around them like workplace conflict, fear of war, and financial disasters.
* Fear is nameless.
* Reasons they do not know.
* In extreme cases the fear turns into a full-blown picture of anxiety, attacks, trembling, sweating, and fluttering the stomach.
Children who need this remedy believe that there is a monster under the bed.
Needing this remedy have a fearful fascination and has a fear of the Dark.
* Shapeless, Nameless, and Boundless.
* In an enduring state the mind is excessively approachable and impressed very easily with the mysterious and gloomy side of life.
* They may develop individual sacraments to set up the feeling of protection.
* Sufferer has a known fear with no explanation.
* They also have a fear of telling their troubles to others because they can’t give any definite reason for their trouble and they expect disbelief.
* They suffer hallucinations/suspicions/mistrust.
* Those who require Aspen remedy have very weird or scary emotions.
* More of a mind rather than of physical origin.
* Fear is usually connected with the thoughts of death or religion.
* Do not have any solid reason neither founded on any reality or science.
* Aspen remedy is extremely useful for those who are struggling with loneliness or lack of supportive community.
* Increases awareness.
* It facilitates the closest to the spirits of deceased family members.
* It helps to approach subtle levels of consciousness.
* Useful for Acne/Dryness/Eczema/Psoriasis