When my cell pone rang the app, which displays the identity of the caller; SCAM 100% GENUINE.
A scam which introduced itself not only as a SCAM, and that too 100% Genuine? Intrigued, I took the call.
Before you ask me my date, month, and year of birth, or tell me to respond to an OTP from you, or do any of these things by which you’ll clean out my bank account before I can say “Choo mantar”, lemme tell you I know all about these scams.
Of course you know all about these scams. What you don’t know is that our scams are a public service.
SO: Scams as a public service? What public service would that be?
SI: The public service of helping solve the national problem of mass unemployment. Everyone knows there aren’t enough jobs going to keep everyone employed. So instead of depending on the public or the private sector to provide us jobs, we provide ourselves with jobs in the true spirit of self-reliance or aatmanirbharata.
SO: Wow. That’s the most creative interpretation of self-reliance I’ve ever heard.
SI: That’s just the half of it. Our scams generate jobs not only for us, but for a whole lot of other people as well.
SO: How do your scams generate jobs for other people?
SI: When you make a call on your mobile, don’t you have to listen to a long spiel of do’s and don’ts to avoid scams? It’s thanks to scams that the person who did the recording got the job of doing it. No scams, no recording job. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Think of all the job creation by way of cyber sleuths a nd others employed to track down scams. And all those organizers of anti-scam seminars and conferences.
SO: Golly. Scams have become a Small-Scale Industry.
SI: Make that Medium Scale. And growing. That’s why we call ourselves SCAM Inc, because we’re registered as Strategic Commercial Advancement Managers.