Stay with this question and let it provide you with an answer. This response will not be lifeless words or dry knowledge but intuitive wisdom. For this to happen, one has to learn to think with openness.

What we have concluded may not always be true. People have lost the art of observing and thinking; they are intoxicated with their greed. They don’t pause and ask, ‘Is this greed giving me joy or an illusion of joy?” Greed is an unwise way of making one’s life happy; it is counterproductive. It is qualitative and not quantitative change that will transform us. People’s understanding of growth is greed-oriented. ‘I have a large house and a lot of money’ but that does not truly make an impact on life. It is the inner richness of understanding, true love and true devotion that impact life. If we learn to observe, we can see we are driven by fear. Out of fear, we create a god to fulfil our desires, which have grown into greed.

Fear arises when we are waiting for something to happen. Thus, we start wondering whether it will actually happen or not, and if it does not happen, then what? If we learn to look deep, then we will see fear as a movement of thought. Thought is an expression of memory. Memory is the representation of the past, and from the past, it flows into the present, distorts the present, and then projects a future. The whole movement is a disorder. In this disorder, fear exists. See this clearly, and through that clarity, a different quality of action will emerge.

Fear also exists in comparisons. Comparison happens again through thought, and this comparison is serving the ‘little-self”, the ego. The ego itself is a disorder and the thought serving the ego adds to the disorder. Looking a little more deeply, you will find fear is the absence of love. It is like darkness. One has to bring in the light of love and then fear disappears. To bring in love, one has to bring in the wholeness of love and not self-love. True love is complete and for that to happen fear and greed, which are serving the ego, have to go.

If you are afraid to face it, be with it totally and don’t try to avoid and escape. We develop methods to escape and, hence, never face our fears. One of the escape mechanisms is greed. Greed lures you into believing that by acquiring this or that, you will be full and can thus escape from facing fear. It only deepens fear.

Greed to become somebody, and the fear of being nobody is the greatest success. Fear and greed limit and entrap one. This has to be seen clearly. One can have a fear of loneliness, fear of separation, fear of death, fear of insult, or fear that someone may dominate you. One has to end that fear to be free. Challenge the brain to end it by facing it and by bringing in the fullness of love.

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