Basil (tulsi) has several healing properties and is helpful in tackling several health problems. It’s healing powers have been known to benefit humans for hundreds of years.


  • Besides improving memory, tulsi leaves are known to strengthen your stomach.
  • Basil leaves are excellent for curing fever. 
  • With malaria and dengue in the air, boiling tulsi leaves with a cup of tea acts as a preventive. 
  • Having a  bad cough? Chew on some tulsi leaves to get relief. 
  • If you suffer from a sore throat, boil some tulsi leaves with water and drink twice a day. You could also use the same to gargle. 
  • Also helpful in removing kidney stones, the juice of basil leaves and honey should be had for about six months to remove the stones from the urinary tract. 
  • Basil is also known to have a good effect on people who suffer from cardiac disease. When taken regularly, it reduces the level of blood cholesterol. 
  • A great stressbuster, studies show that basil leaves are known to reduce stress levels. Chewing about 10 to 12 basil leaves twice a day will help prevent stress. 
  • Infections and ulcers of the mouth can be effectively treated by chewing on basil leaves. 
  • Have an insect bite? With its healing qualities, basil leaves are very effective in curing insect bites and stings. You can apply the juice on the wound or even have a teaspoonful of the juice every few hours. 

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