These medicines should be taken in the 6th or 30th potency ( 6c or 30c)
Generally, if there is pain or discomfort, you should take the medicine 3 times a day. If more severe pain, take the medicine every one – 3 hours.
- Aconite:- This remedy is great for shock such as bad news or from having a bad fall — it is very effective for treating conditions like a sudden sore throat or headache.
- Allium cepa: A frequent remedy for the common cold and hay fever when there is a thin watery and burning nasal discharge that irritates the nostrils.
- Arnica (mountain daisy):- Remedy in Sports medicine. Used for shock and trauma from injury or from exercises.
- Arnica (topical):- Above use of Arnica is for internal consumption in pills. Another way to use Arnica in a topical external application in a gel ointment or spray form. Great for sprains and black bruises.
- Chamomilla:- Remedy for irritable infant especially from teething or colic. Infant cries.
- Hypericum:- Remedy is 1st medicine to consider for injuries to the nerves or to parts of the body, including fingers, toes and back. Any injury with shooting pains should be given this remedy.
- Ignatia:- Used for acute grief, anxiety, and depression especially after death or separation from a loved one.
- Magnesia Phosphorica:- Most effective remedy for cramps especially menstruation or periods.
- Nux Vomica:- Common remedy for treating symptoms of overeating or from drinking too much alcohol.
- Pulsatilla:- Most common remedy given to women and children. Warm-blooded, wear less clothes, prefer open air and don’t feel as well in the heat. Gentle, mind and yielding person and strong tendency to want to please others.
- Rhus Tox:- Most common remedy for sprains and strains. When a person experiences “a rusty gate” syndrome that is pain or initial motion which is reduced the more the person continues to move. Given to people with arthritis.
Tissue salts are available in 3 main formulations:-
- Tablets
- Sprays
- Creams
The 12 Primary tissue salts are available in both tablet and spray form and 4 of them
(Calc Fluor, Ferr Phos, Mag Phos, and Silic) are available in cream form.
Calcium Fluoride is particularly abudant in bones and teeth; blood vessel walls, muscles and connective tissue. This tissue salt strengthens weak, brittle bones and poor teeth enamel. Recommend for skin cracks and fissures. Calc Fluor can help varicose veins.
- strengthens tooth enamel
- strengthens bones
- restores tissue elasticity
- helps hemorrhoids
- helps hernia pain
Calc Phos is important for skeletal system, teeth and connective tissues. Helpful in healing fractures, digestive tract, coldness and numbness from poor circulation.
Beneficial for anemia as well as poor growth and development in children. Used for speedy recovery when illness is delayed.
- restores cells
- heals fractures
- helps the digestive system
Calc Sulph is a blood purifier often useful with acne, abscesses, ulcers, and wounds. Calc Sulph closes and clears up an infection. Calc Sulph can prevent an oncoming cold or sore throat.
- purifies blood
- reduces infection
- treats skin disorders
- prevents sore throats and colds
Ferr Phos can relieve fevers. Ferr Phos is indicated with painful sore throats, laryngitis, earaches. Reduce swelling/bleeding. Ferr Phos is an oxygen supplier to the cells, so it is useful for anemic conditions.
- anti-inflammatory
- reduces fever
- acclerates healing
- reduces bleeding
Kali Mur acts as a blood purifier. Useful in skin eruptions. In injuries where swelling occurs, use Kali Mur during the initial swelling phase. Kali Mur is useful for tonsilitis, head colds, and earaches. With infected bronchitis, the phelgm is thick a nd may cause rattling and wheezing. Kali Mur benefits poor digestion from eating rich or fatty foods.
- purifies blood
- treats infection
- reduces swelling
- aids digestion
Beneficial for anxiety and nervousness. Kali Phos will relieve insomnia, asthma, headaches and indigestion. Used for shingles and skin conditions where there is itching and a crawling feeling.
- supports nerve health
- lessens anxiety, irritability and fatigue
- aids memory
- relieves headaches
Kali Sulph helps with conditions of the skin and mucous membranes. Diarrhea/sinus infections. Digestive complaints. Used for cramps.
- heals mucous membrane
- heals skin
- balances metabolism
- conditions your pancreas
Mag phos is chief tissue salt to consider for period cramps and spasms in muscles/nerves. Nerve pains are typically sharp and may shoot along the nerve. Tension headaches and spasmodic coughs.
- Eases period cramps
- Reduces spasms
- Reduces tension headache
9. NAT MUR:-
Main function is to properly distribute body fluids. Water retention occurs. Water-filled blisters, insect bites, hives and dry eczema. Colds and hay fevers with watery mucus and sneezing. Constipation, digestive complaints and headaches worse in the morning.
- balances body fluids
- reduces water retention
- aids digestion
- treats eczema
10. NAT PHOS:-
Useful for an acidic stomach which causes nausea, gas, sour belching. Nat Phos is useful remedy for morning sickness/motion sickness. Used for jaundice, gall bladder, colic and indigestion from rich fatty foods.
- neutralizes acidity
- relieves seasickness
- treats arthritis
- aids digestion
Beneficial for liver, pancreas, intestines, and kidneys, jaundice, bitter belching, and dark-colored greenish stools and diarrhea. Nat Sulph is beneficial for flu and colds. Another remedy for morning sickness.
- cleans pancreas
- cleans kidneys
- cleans liver
- Treats cold and flu
12. SILICA:-
Acts as a blood cleanser and is useful in abscesses, tonsilitis. Used for absent-mindedness and weak memory. Consider Silica for neuralgia when Mag Phos fails.
- conditions skin
- conditions connective tissue
- cleanses blood
- strengthens hair and nails
Tissue salts are taken 4 times a day.
1 tablet – 4 times a day or 4 sprays 4 times a day.
1/2 tablet 4 times a day or 2 sprays 4 times a day
1/4 tablet 4 times a day or 1 spray 4 times a day